Rescue Armenian Bears

With habitat loss, poaching, and human-wildlife conflict being major threats, the need for bear rescue in Armenia is more urgent than ever.


Our bear rescue efforts provide care and rehabilitation to injured and orphaned bears, with the ultimate goal of releasing them back into their natural habitat whenever possible.
By supporting our bear rescue program through donations, you’re contributing to the conservation of Armenia’s bear population. Your support helps us provide the necessary care and rehabilitation to injured, orphaned, and mistreated bears.

Support the Sole Bear Rescue Project in Armenia

40+ rescued bears & counting 🐻

We are always on alert to rescue bears stuck in snares, cubs left without mothers, and animals living under dire conditions in restaurants and private zoos. 

Specialized care & enrichment activities ⚕

Bears kept at our center are under the watchful eye of wildlife professionals. They regularly undergo vet checkups, socialize, and play games so necessary for their harmonious development. 

Educating villagers to live in harmony with bears 🎓

Bears are only one side of the human-bear conflict. If we want to build bear-friendly communities, we must equip locals with tools & knowledge to make it happen. Our courses are designed to achieve just that.

Heartwarming stories of releases into wilderness 🏞

Our enclosures house many bears that can’t survive in nature. Some have disabilities, while others have spent too long in cages to fend for themselves. If there is a chance of a bear surviving in nature, we release it into the wild.

50 Bears Are Waiting to Be Rescued

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New Enclosures Mean New Rescue Stories

Our center is currently operating at capacity. In order to rescue more bears, we are building a new sanctuary. It’ll allow us to double the number of bears we’re able to keep. Will you help us get there?

"We're building a new rescue center to rescue and accommodate more than 50 bears and plan on establishing a center for environmental education. Working with youth is instrumental for achieving long-term change in our relations with nature."
Ruben Khachatryan
WCF Founder